Royal For a Week.

Coco Cay Island 

Just got back from the Cruise!

Last year it was our 10th Wedding Anniversary and we had our baby #3!  As you can imagine that itself was a major event.  So, whatever plans were made for that occasion had to rest...
This year our long awaited cruise with Royal Caribbean (first time) finally happened.
Very special thanks to my Mom, my husband's parents and my niece.  We are lucky and we know it.

Four years ago we went on our very first cruise with Carnival Dream (to Caribbean) and were absolutely blown away!
This time around we wanted to be Royals for a week.
Destinations:  Coco Cay, an Island owned by no other than Royal Caribbean, Puerto Rico and St Maarten Island.
I will post the highlights of each these places we visited.  So look for them on the main page under ''Vacation Book'' if you'd like.  Thank you for stoping by!

Note: Love this panorama photo.  So cool to be part of nowadays technology and to be able to capture something special like this photo above. Awesome!
Here are some sneak picks of the stops we made.


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