These cute puff pastry cookies are dangerously good and so flaky. If you decide to have only two or three of them - it won't work, because you will quickly become addicted to these beauties, just a friendly warning;)
2 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (cubed)
2/3 cup ice-cold water
2 cups flour
1 teasp of salt
1 1/2 teasp of cinnamon powder
1/4 cup of sugar
Making the dough:
1. Cut up 2 sticks butter (very cold) into cubes, place them evenly on a plate and chill them in the refrigerator. I chill the flour in advance too.
2. Sift flour and salt in a large bowl. Cut up 1/2 stick cold butter into cubes and add to the flour. Start squishing the butter with your fingertips with the flour, until breadcrumb consistency. Avoid over mixing, working as quickly as possible to prevent the dough becoming warm. You can use a food processor pulsing flour, salt and butter for about 20 seconds. Then add the remaining 2 sticks of cold butter cubes, pulsing only twice, and water into the bowl of a food processor, again pulsing only couple of times.
3. Scrape dough, using a rubber spatula from bowl onto a lightly floured surface. Sprinkle with a little flour, and using your hands quickly gather and shape the dough into a cylinder. Press down to flatten into a rectangle. Fold it like a busyness letter and start rolling it up from one end to the other (forgot to take a picture of rolling part). Wrap tight with plastic and chill it for an hour.
4. After that repeat the same process of rolling out into a rectangle, folding and rolling up one more time and refrigerate again for another 30 minutes or so.
5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 12 inch square about 1/16" thick (this recipe will make at least 3 squares). Using a knife cut off just the edges of the square and fill the center of the dough with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Then both ends up toward the middle but not all the way (leave a narrow opening) and bring left to right, top to bottom. for about 15 minutes to firm up the pastry roll.
6. With a sharp knife cut slices about 1/3" in thickness and gently roll each slice in sugar. Place the slices on a baking sheet and be sure to leave some space between them, as they will expend as they bake. Bake at 400F for 7 minutes until golden, then flip the cookies to brown the other side as well, baking for 7 minutes again. After baked, you will have very pretty leaves that are flaky and crunchy. Enjoy!
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